SCA National
Board Members

SCAQ President
SCAQ Director
SCA Ltd Board Director
SCAQ Education Committee Chair
SCA Ltd Education Board Advisory Group Committee Member
Andrew has a retail background with over 30 years’ experience commencing with Safeway in Victoria in 1972 and becoming CEO for Woolworths NZ Ltd in 1997 and Deputy Director heading up Westfield NZ Shopping Centres in 2002. He was part of the successful Life Pharmacy (Green Cross Health) public listing and represented Gresham Rabo Private Equity interests in Hansells NZ. He was a Founder of Kids Help Line in NZ and a board member of Barnardos NZ. In 2015 he and his wife Marianne acquired Noosa District Body Corporate Management which has recently rebranded as Team Body Corporate.
To improve the governance of SCA Ltd, all Board Members have for disclosure of conflict of interest completed a Register of Interests. Also, to reinforce what is implicit in being a Member they have agreed to abide by SCA Ltd Board Confidentiality Policy.